About Oceans

Oceans comprise 99% of the total living space on earth and is home to 80% of the world’s species (Malve, 2016). In short, the ocean encompasses one of the wealthiest ecosystems on earth that is a natural habitat for an extensive diversity of living organisms. Additionally, the surviving circumstances in the oceans vary drastically from terrestrial ones. Specifically, the temperature spans from −2°C to over 400°C (Mullineaux et al., 2018), pressures from 1 to over 1000 atm (Trenberth et al., 1987), salinities from 0 to over 36 ppt (Srokosz and Banks, 2019), from anoxic to normoxic, bright light to no light etc… . Based on this environmental diversity, the marine-dwelling inhabitants contain a potential treasure trove of anti-cancer therapeutics